Collen Charity Cycle 2021 – Around the World in 8 Days for St. Anne’s/Cancer Care in St. Vincent’s
The staff of Collen Construction are holding their annual Charity Cycle, contributing towards employee wellbeing and raising funds in support of chosen charities in Ireland, Germany and Sweden, where Collen...
Jillian McNulty raffles Mayo jersey for Cystic Fibrosis
Our wonderful supporter Jillian McNulty, who has raised huge funds for the C.F. Unit here in St. Vincent’s as well as C.F. Ireland, has now organised a most innovative fundraising...
Hannah’s 150km challenge for the Liver Unit in St. Vincent’s
Hannah Kindregan from County Galway is undertaking a 150km challenge for the Liver Unit in St. Vincent’s during the month of April. As Hannah describes on her fundraising page on...
1,200 in Memory of Linda Connor
On the 12th anniversary of her death, 12 of Linda’s Family and friends are covering 1,200 miles (run/walk/cycle) for her 12th Anniversary in the month of March. Linda’s Son Nathan...
We recommend supporters of St. Vincent’s view a programme on RTE 1 this Friday (All Walks of Life, RTE 1 Friday 12th February 2021 at 8.30pm). It is an amazing...
On Tuesday 12th of January as his Mum Maria was taken into ICU suddenly to help her fight Covid-19, Karl Walsh decided to do something extraordinary. He committed to running...
Christmas Cards for St. Vincent’s
Due to Covid-19 restrictions we are unable to sell Christmas Cards in the hospital as we would customarily do. However we do have a limited stock of Christmas cards which...
St. Vincent’s Foundation is one of, some seventy Irish Charities who formed My Legacy to encourage everybody to consider making a will and, in so doing, to perhaps leave a...
Support the Frontline Hero Challenge
Frontline Heroes Challenge is a virtual event to fundraise for different hospitals and St. Vincent’s Foundation have signed up for this initiative. This challenge is a virtual run, walk, treadmill,...
Lorna Winters and her family are passionately involved in fundraising to combat Neuroendocrine Carcinoid Tumour (NET). Lorna’s husband, Justin, is currently battling this disease under the care of Prof Dermot...