Art Raffle Fundraiser in Memory of Abigail Nangle


In memory of her dear friend Abigail Nangle R.I.P., Aoife Magee organised an Art Raffle in December last and set up an iDonate Raffle page.

As Aoife explained on her fundraising page “Everyone who knew Abigail will remember her warmth, kindness and sense of humour. Many of you will have worked with her when she was a rigger and comp artist at Boulder, Daily Madness and Treehouse Republic. I thought an art raffle would be a fitting tribute to Abigail, who was so creative and loved art.”. Abigail’s family had specifically requested that any funds raised would go to the Liver Unit in St. Vincent’s.

Aoife recently called in to present the proceeds of €3,065 for the Liver Unit.

We are most grateful to Aoife and all who supported this raffle, for this fantastic fundraising for our Liver Unit.

Aoife is pictured on the right presenting the proceeds to St. Vincent’s Foundation

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