Eamonn & Mary Burke’s New Year’s Day Charity Swim for the Liver Unit


For nearly a decade, Eamonn & Mary Burke from Arklow, have marked New Year’s Day with a fundraising swim for the Liver Unit in St. Vincent’s University Hospital. The event has grown over the years, often braving tough weather conditions for a great cause.

To date this fantastic effort has raised over €34,000 for patient care in the Liver Unit.  As well as the hard work and efforts of Eamonn and Mary and their family, the local support of friends and businesses has been a major contributor.

If you would like to take part or assist in this great event on January 1st 2017 please contact Mary Burke on 087-9259504.

Alternatively you could donate to the event through the DONATE link here on the website: https://www.stvincentsfoundation.ie/donate/    


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